Welcome to Work&.

Work& will launch in 2023.

Work life is changing, and it’s changing fast. Remote work is widespread. Career sabbaticals are on the rise. No longer content with devoting our lives to one company, many of us are jumping into the gig economy, taking up a side hustle or solopreneuring.

Plus, the eternal challenges remain: How do I ask for a promotion? What’s the first step to starting my own business? Which degree will best position me to achieve my career goals?

Needless to say, navigating the working world is never easy, whether you’re a seasoned professional with decades of experience or a brand new college grad stepping into your first full-time job.

That’s where Work& comes in. Think of us as the ultimate mentor, here to break down the tricky business and career topics and give straightforward advice that really works.


Need help preparing answers to tough interview questions? Want to know the proper etiquette for requesting a raise or giving your boss a birthday gift? Work life is full of triumphs, challenges, and the occasional bout of uncertainty. We’ll cheer you on, help you through, and answer every question you thought you couldn’t ask.


Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a long-time small business owner, we have expert insights and advice to guide you along your path. From building a business plan, to refining your marketing strategies, to bringing on a human resources team, we’ll help you achieve your business goals every step of the way.


No matter the industry, technology is at the heart of how we work now. That’s why we’ve enlisted a team of tech experts to help you figure out everything from filtering your inbox to setting up a second monitor. Ready to level up? We’ll tell you about the latest AI-assisted productivity hacks and point you towards the best resources for refining your tech skills.


While everyone has a different path to professional life, education (both formal and informal) is central to the journey. Whether you’re a college freshman on the hunt for internship opportunities, or a returning student seeking to expand your skill set or gain a certification, we’ll help you make the most of your education so you can thrive in your career.

Want to learn more about Work&? Shoot us an email.